Affordable Health Insurance Plans In North Carolina

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Your Perfect Plan

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Plans As Low As $1 Per Month

Plans As Low As
$1 Per Month

How to Enroll

Enrolling in health insurance is easier than you think! Just fill out a few facts about yourself, and a licensed agent from All Things Insurance Group will reach out to you.

We’ll guide you to the best plans tailored for your specific needs and budget.

Your Health Matters Most

Health concerns can range from routine check-ups to more pressing issues. Whether it’s a regular doctor visit or an unexpected ailment, being prepared is crucial.

The cost of medical care without insurance can be daunting. Beyond the financial strain, the stress and emotional toll of not having a safety net can weigh heavily on you and your family.

Ensure peace of mind by securing the right insurance today.

Remember, health is wealth. And with the right coverage, you’re investing in a brighter, healthier future for yourself and your loved ones. Let’s journey this path together.

Understanding Open Enrollment

Who Qualifies For The Affordable Care Act (Obama Care)?

Every individual and family can shop on the ACA marketplace. Based on your income and household size, you might even qualify for a plan with a $1 monthly premium or another super low-cost plan.

Plus, no one can be denied coverage due to pre-existing conditions.

When is Open Enrollment?

Open enrollment is that special time of year when you can sign up for a new health plan or make changes to your current one. For 2024, it starts on November 1st, 2023, and goes through January 31st

What is Obama Care & The Affordable Care Act?

Obama Care, officially named the Affordable Care Act (ACA), was introduced in 2010 to make health insurance more accessible and affordable for everyone. It opened doors to quality health plans, ensuring that more Americans got the coverage they needed without breaking the bank.

Find Your Perfect Plan.

Questions about Open Enrollment?

We've Got Answers.

Can I choose my own health insurance plan during open enrollment even if my employer offers one?

Yes, you can choose to purchase health insurance through the Marketplace even if your employer offers a plan. However, you might not qualify for tax credits and savings based on your income if the employer-offered insurance is considered affordable and meets certain standards.

How does the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or "Obamacare" benefit me?

The ACA provides numerous benefits such as extending coverage to millions of uninsured Americans, introducing measures to lower healthcare costs, allowing young adults to stay on their parents' plans until 26, ensuring coverage for pre-existing conditions, and eliminating lifetime limits on essential health benefits.

Can I get health insurance outside of the open enrollment period?

Yes, if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period due to certain life events like marriage, birth of a child, or losing other health coverage. You can also apply any time if you qualify for Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

What if I have a pre-existing condition? Can I still get coverage under the ACA?

Yes, under the ACA, insurance companies cannot refuse you coverage or charge you more due to pre-existing conditions.

How do I know if I qualify for subsidies or a $0 premium plan?

Eligibility is based on your estimated household income and size. You can use tools on the ACA website to get an estimate of potential savings.

If I'm unemployed or have a low income, can I still get coverage?

Yes. Depending on your household income, you might qualify for Medicaid, tax credits, or other savings on Marketplace insurance.

How does the ACA affect my Medicare coverage?

The ACA introduced provisions that strengthened Medicare by adding more preventive services, decreasing prescription drug costs, and improving care coordination. Your basic benefits under Medicare won't be reduced.

Can I keep my current doctor and hospital with an ACA plan?

It depends on the plan you choose. While the ACA ensures certain rights and protections, each health plan has a network of providers. It's essential to check if your current doctor and hospital are included.

What is a "special enrollment period," and how can I qualify for one?

It's a time outside the yearly open enrollment period when you can sign up for health insurance due to qualifying life events. Examples include marriage, birth or adoption of a child, and loss of other health coverage.

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